“In praise of the American Short Story”

The new, post-print literary media are certainly amenable to brevity. The blog post and the tweet may be ephemeral rather than lapidary, but the culture in which they thrive is fed by a craving for more narrative and a demand for pith. And just as the iPod has killed the album, so the Kindle might, in time, spur a revival of the short story. If you can buy a single song for a dollar, why wouldn’t you spend that much on a handy, compact package of character, incident and linguistic invention? Why wouldn’t you collect dozens, or hundreds, into a personal anthology, a playlist of humor, pathos, mystery and surprise?

The death of the novel is yesterday’s news. The death of print may be tomorrow’s headline. But the great American short story is still being written, and awaits its readers.

Sleep as a revolutionary act :D

“The threat today is not passivity, but pseudo-activity, the urge to ‘be active,’ to ‘participate,’ to mask the nothingness of what goes on. People intervene all the time to ‘do something;’ academics participate in meaningless debates and so on. The truly difficult thing is to step back, to withdraw. Those in power often prefer even a ‘critical’ participation, a dialogue, to silence – just to engage us in ‘dialogue,’ to make sure our ominous passivity is broken. The voters’ abstention is thus a true political act: it forcefully confronts us with the vacuity of today’s democracies. If one means by violence a radical upheaval of the basic social relation then, crazy and tasteless as it may sound, the problem with historical monsters who slaughtered millions was that they were not violent enough. Sometimes doing nothing is the most violent thing to do.”

Slavoj Žižek

Terror is a man

Terror is a man

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Pink Slip Party
What Does it Mean?
A party that brings together professionals and recruiters who have recently been laid off. Pink slip parties are usually held during tough economic times, when unemployment is rising and businesses are closing. Often, these casual gatherings will raise money for charity, and provide job search advice to the attendees.

Investopedia explains Pink Slip Party
Pink slip parties are a way for job seekers to network with each other as well as with recruiters. As such, each person is often labeled with a name tag or color-coded bracelet.

Pink slip parties increase in frequency during economic slowdowns such as after the internet bubble or the credit crisis. They can provide a sense of solidarity for the newly unemployed, but they sometimes also provide practical advice on finding a new job or building a resume to help the recently unemployed as they try to get back into the workforce.